; HTTP Server. ; To improve performance with static files, set static-max-age*. (= arcdir* "arc/" logdir* "arc/logs/" staticdir* "static/") (= quitsrv* nil breaksrv* nil) (def serve ((o port 8080)) (wipe quitsrv*) (ensure-srvdirs) (map [apply new-bgthread _] pending-bgthreads*) (w/socket s port (prn "ready to serve port " port) (flushout) (= currsock* s) (until quitsrv* (handle-request s breaksrv*))) (prn "quit server")) (def serve1 ((o port 8080)) (w/socket s port (handle-request s t))) (def ensure-srvdirs () (map ensure-dir (list arcdir* logdir* staticdir*))) (= srv-noisy* nil) ; http requests currently capped at 2 meg by socket-accept ; should threads process requests one at a time? no, then ; a browser that's slow consuming the data could hang the ; whole server. ; wait for a connection from a browser and start a thread ; to handle it. also arrange to kill that thread if it ; has not completed in threadlife* seconds. (= threadlife* 30 requests* 0 requests/ip* (table) throttle-ips* (table) ignore-ips* (table) spurned* (table)) (def handle-request (s breaksrv) (if breaksrv (handle-request-1 s) (errsafe (handle-request-1 s)))) (def handle-request-1 (s) (let (i o ip) (socket-accept s) (if (and (or (ignore-ips* ip) (abusive-ip ip)) (++ (spurned* ip 0))) (force-close i o) (do (++ requests*) (++ (requests/ip* ip 0)) (with (th1 nil th2 nil) (= th1 (thread (after (handle-request-thread i o ip) (close i o) (kill-thread th2)))) (= th2 (thread (sleep threadlife*) (unless (dead th1) (prn "srv thread took too long for " ip)) (break-thread th1) (force-close i o)))))))) ; Returns true if ip has made req-limit* requests in less than ; req-window* seconds. If an ip is throttled, only 1 request is ; allowed per req-window* seconds. If an ip makes req-limit* ; requests in less than dos-window* seconds, it is a treated as a DoS ; attack and put in ignore-ips* (for this server invocation). ; To adjust this while running, adjust the req-window* time, not ; req-limit*, because algorithm doesn't enforce decreases in the latter. (= req-times* (table) req-limit* 30 req-window* 10 dos-window* 2) (def abusive-ip (ip) (and (only.> (requests/ip* ip) 250) (let now (seconds) (do1 (if (req-times* ip) (and (>= (qlen (req-times* ip)) (if (throttle-ips* ip) 1 req-limit*)) (let dt (- now (deq (req-times* ip))) (if (< dt dos-window*) (set (ignore-ips* ip))) (< dt req-window*))) (do (= (req-times* ip) (queue)) nil)) (enq now (req-times* ip)))))) (def handle-request-thread (i o ip) (with (nls 0 lines nil line nil responded nil t0 (msec)) (after (whilet c (unless responded (readc i)) (if srv-noisy* (pr c)) (if (is c #\newline) (if (is (++ nls) 2) (let (type op args n cooks) (parseheader (rev lines)) (let t1 (msec) (case type get (respond o op args cooks ip) post (handle-post i o op args n cooks ip) (respond-err o "Unknown request: " (car lines))) (log-request type op args cooks ip t0 t1) (set responded))) (do (push (string (rev line)) lines) (wipe line))) (unless (is c #\return) (push c line) (= nls 0)))) (close i o))) (harvest-fnids)) (def log-request (type op args cooks ip t0 t1) (with (parsetime (- t1 t0) respondtime (- (msec) t1)) (srvlog 'srv ip parsetime respondtime (if (> (+ parsetime respondtime) 1000) "***" "") type op (let arg1 (car args) (if (caris arg1 "fnid") "" arg1)) cooks))) ; Could ignore return chars (which come from textarea fields) here by ; (unless (is c #\return) (push c line)) (def handle-post (i o op args n cooks ip) (if srv-noisy* (pr "Post Contents: ")) (if (no n) (respond-err o "Post request without Content-Length.") (let line nil (whilet c (and (> n 0) (readc i)) (if srv-noisy* (pr c)) (-- n) (push c line)) (if srv-noisy* (pr "\n\n")) (respond o op (+ (parseargs (string (rev line))) args) cooks ip)))) (= header* "HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Connection: close") (= type-header* (table)) (def gen-type-header (ctype) (+ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: " ctype " Connection: close")) (map (fn ((k v)) (= (type-header* k) (gen-type-header v))) '((gif "image/gif") (jpg "image/jpeg") (png "image/png") (text/html "text/html; charset=utf-8"))) (= rdheader* "HTTP/1.0 302 Moved") (= srvops* (table) redirector* (table) optimes* (table) opcounts* (table)) (def save-optime (name elapsed) ; this is the place to put a/b testing ; toggle a flag and push elapsed into one of two lists (++ (opcounts* name 0)) (unless (optimes* name) (= (optimes* name) (queue))) (enq-limit elapsed (optimes* name) 1000)) ; For ops that want to add their own headers. They must thus remember ; to prn a blank line before anything meant to be part of the page. (mac defop-raw (name parms . body) (w/uniq t1 `(= (srvops* ',name) (fn ,parms (let ,t1 (msec) (do1 (do ,@body) (save-optime ',name (- (msec) ,t1)))))))) (mac defopr-raw (name parms . body) `(= (redirector* ',name) t (srvops* ',name) (fn ,parms ,@body))) (mac defop (name parm . body) (w/uniq gs `(do (wipe (redirector* ',name)) (defop-raw ,name (,gs ,parm) (w/stdout ,gs (prn) ,@body))))) ; Defines op as a redirector. Its retval is new location. (mac defopr (name parm . body) (w/uniq gs `(do (set (redirector* ',name)) (defop-raw ,name (,gs ,parm) ,@body)))) ;(mac testop (name . args) `((srvops* ',name) ,@args)) (deftem request args nil cooks nil ip nil) (= unknown-msg* "Unknown." max-age* (table) static-max-age* nil) (def respond (str op args cooks ip) (w/stdout str (iflet f (srvops* op) (let req (inst 'request 'args args 'cooks cooks 'ip ip) (if (redirector* op) (do (prn rdheader*) (prn "Location: " (f str req)) (prn)) (do (prn header*) (awhen (max-age* op) (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it)) (f str req)))) (let filetype (static-filetype op) (aif (and filetype (file-exists (string staticdir* op))) (do (prn (type-header* filetype)) (awhen static-max-age* (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it)) (prn) (w/infile i it (whilet b (readb i) (writeb b str)))) (respond-err str unknown-msg*)))))) (def static-filetype (sym) (let fname (coerce sym 'string) (and (~find #\/ fname) (case (downcase (last (check (tokens fname #\.) ~single))) "gif" 'gif "jpg" 'jpg "jpeg" 'jpg "png" 'png "css" 'text/html "txt" 'text/html "htm" 'text/html "html" 'text/html "arc" 'text/html )))) (def respond-err (str msg . args) (w/stdout str (prn header*) (prn) (apply pr msg args))) (def parseheader (lines) (let (type op args) (parseurl (car lines)) (list type op args (and (is type 'post) (some (fn (s) (and (begins s "Content-Length:") (errsafe:coerce (cadr (tokens s)) 'int))) (cdr lines))) (some (fn (s) (and (begins s "Cookie:") (parsecookies s))) (cdr lines))))) ; (parseurl "GET /p1?foo=bar&ug etc") -> (get p1 (("foo" "bar") ("ug"))) (def parseurl (s) (let (type url) (tokens s) (let (base args) (tokens url #\?) (list (sym (downcase type)) (sym (cut base 1)) (if args (parseargs args) nil))))) ; I don't urldecode field names or anything in cookies; correct? (def parseargs (s) (map (fn ((k v)) (list k (urldecode v))) (map [tokens _ #\=] (tokens s #\&)))) (def parsecookies (s) (map [tokens _ #\=] (cdr (tokens s [or (whitec _) (is _ #\;)])))) (def arg (req key) (alref req!args key)) ; *** Warning: does not currently urlencode args, so if need to do ; that replace v with (urlencode v). (def reassemble-args (req) (aif req!args (apply string "?" (intersperse '& (map (fn ((k v)) (string k '= v)) it))) "")) (= fns* (table) fnids* nil timed-fnids* nil) ; count on huge (expt 64 10) size of fnid space to avoid clashes (def new-fnid () (check (sym (rand-string 10)) ~fns* (new-fnid))) (def fnid (f) (atlet key (new-fnid) (= (fns* key) f) (push key fnids*) key)) (def timed-fnid (lasts f) (atlet key (new-fnid) (= (fns* key) f) (push (list key (seconds) lasts) timed-fnids*) key)) ; Within f, it will be bound to the fn's own fnid. Remember that this is ; so low-level that need to generate the newline to separate from the headers ; within the body of f. (mac afnid (f) `(atlet it (new-fnid) (= (fns* it) ,f) (push it fnids*) it)) ;(defop test-afnid req ; (tag (a href (url-for (afnid (fn (req) (prn) (pr "my fnid is " it))))) ; (pr "click here"))) ; To be more sophisticated, instead of killing fnids, could first ; replace them with fns that tell the server it's harvesting too ; aggressively if they start to get called. But the right thing to ; do is estimate what the max no of fnids can be and set the harvest ; limit there-- beyond that the only solution is to buy more memory. (def harvest-fnids ((o n 50000)) ; was 20000 (when (len> fns* n) (pull (fn ((id created lasts)) (when (> (since created) lasts) (wipe (fns* id)) t)) timed-fnids*) (atlet nharvest (trunc (/ n 10)) (let (kill keep) (split (rev fnids*) nharvest) (= fnids* (rev keep)) (each id kill (wipe (fns* id))))))) (= fnurl* "/x" rfnurl* "/r" rfnurl2* "/y" jfnurl* "/a") (= dead-msg* "\nUnknown or expired link.") (defop-raw x (str req) (w/stdout str (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid"))) (it req) (pr dead-msg*)))) (defopr-raw y (str req) (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid"))) (w/stdout str (it req)) "deadlink")) ; For asynchronous calls; discards the page. Would be better to tell ; the fn not to generate it. (defop-raw a (str req) (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid"))) (tostring (it req)))) (defopr r req (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid"))) (it req) "deadlink")) (defop deadlink req (pr dead-msg*)) (def url-for (fnid) (string fnurl* "?fnid=" fnid)) (def flink (f) (string fnurl* "?fnid=" (fnid (fn (req) (prn) (f req))))) (def rflink (f) (string rfnurl* "?fnid=" (fnid f))) ; Since it's just an expr, gensym a parm for (ignored) args. (mac w/link (expr . body) `(tag (a href (flink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr))) ,@body)) (mac w/rlink (expr . body) `(tag (a href (rflink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr))) ,@body)) (mac onlink (text . body) `(w/link (do ,@body) (pr ,text))) (mac onrlink (text . body) `(w/rlink (do ,@body) (pr ,text))) ; bad to have both flink and linkf; rename flink something like fnid-link (mac linkf (text parms . body) `(tag (a href (flink (fn ,parms ,@body))) (pr ,text))) (mac rlinkf (text parms . body) `(tag (a href (rflink (fn ,parms ,@body))) (pr ,text))) ;(defop top req (linkf 'whoami? (req) (pr "I am " (get-user req)))) ;(defop testf req (w/link (pr "ha ha ha") (pr "laugh"))) (mac w/link-if (test expr . body) `(tag-if ,test (a href (flink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr))) ,@body)) (def fnid-field (id) (gentag input type 'hidden name 'fnid value id)) ; f should be a fn of one arg, which will be http request args. (def fnform (f bodyfn (o redir)) (tag (form method 'post action (if redir rfnurl2* fnurl*)) (fnid-field (fnid f)) (bodyfn))) ; Could also make a version that uses just an expr, and var capture. ; Is there a way to ensure user doesn't use "fnid" as a key? (mac aform (f . body) (w/uniq ga `(tag (form method 'post action fnurl*) (fnid-field (fnid (fn (,ga) (prn) (,f ,ga)))) ,@body))) ;(defop test1 req ; (fnform (fn (req) (prn) (pr req)) ; (fn () (single-input "" 'foo 20 "submit")))) ;(defop test2 req ; (aform (fn (req) (pr req)) ; (single-input "" 'foo 20 "submit"))) ; Like aform except creates a fnid that will last for lasts seconds ; (unless the server is restarted). (mac timed-aform (lasts f . body) (w/uniq (gl gf gi ga) `(withs (,gl ,lasts ,gf (fn (,ga) (prn) (,f ,ga))) (tag (form method 'post action fnurl*) (fnid-field (if ,gl (timed-fnid ,gl ,gf) (fnid ,gf))) ,@body)))) (mac arform (f . body) `(tag (form method 'post action rfnurl*) (fnid-field (fnid ,f)) ,@body)) ; overlong (mac tarform (lasts f . body) (w/uniq (gl gf) `(withs (,gl ,lasts ,gf ,f) (tag (form method 'post action rfnurl*) (fnid-field (if ,gl (timed-fnid ,gl ,gf) (fnid ,gf))) ,@body)))) (mac aformh (f . body) `(tag (form method 'post action fnurl*) (fnid-field (fnid ,f)) ,@body)) (mac arformh (f . body) `(tag (form method 'post action rfnurl2*) (fnid-field (fnid ,f)) ,@body)) ; only unique per server invocation (= unique-ids* (table)) (def unique-id ((o len 8)) (let id (sym (rand-string (max 5 len))) (if (unique-ids* id) (unique-id) (= (unique-ids* id) id)))) (def srvlog (type . args) (w/appendfile o (logfile-name type) (w/stdout o (atomic (apply prs (seconds) args) (prn))))) (def logfile-name (type) (string logdir* type "-" (memodate))) (with (lastasked nil lastval nil) (def memodate () (let now (seconds) (if (or (no lastasked) (> (- now lastasked) 60)) (= lastasked now lastval (datestring)) lastval))) ) (defop || req (pr "It's alive.")) (defop topips req (when (admin (get-user req)) (whitepage (sptab (each ip (let leaders nil (maptable (fn (ip n) (when (> n 100) (insort (compare > requests/ip*) ip leaders))) requests/ip*) leaders) (let n (requests/ip* ip) (row ip n (pr (num (* 100 (/ n requests*)) 1))))))))) (defop spurned req (when (admin (get-user req)) (whitepage (sptab (map (fn ((ip n)) (row ip n)) (sortable spurned*)))))) ; eventually promote to general util (def sortable (ht (o f >)) (let res nil (maptable (fn kv (insort (compare f cadr) kv res)) ht) res)) ; Background Threads (= bgthreads* (table) pending-bgthreads* nil) (def new-bgthread (id f sec) (aif (bgthreads* id) (break-thread it)) (= (bgthreads* id) (new-thread (fn () (while t (sleep sec) (f)))))) ; should be a macro for this? (mac defbg (id sec . body) `(do (pull [caris _ ',id] pending-bgthreads*) (push (list ',id (fn () ,@body) ,sec) pending-bgthreads*))) ; Idea: make form fields that know their value type because of ; gensymed names, and so the receiving fn gets args that are not ; strings but parsed values.