Subject: Re: Needs Lisp a front-end?
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:03:32 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
Pascal Costanza  <> wrote:
| The general structure of a DO form is this:
| (do ((var1 init1 expr1)
|       (var2 init2 expr2)
|       ...)
|      (predicate [result])
|    body ...)
| This is equivalent to the following LOOP form:
| (loop for var1 = init1 then expr1
|        for var2 = init2 then expr2
|        ...
|        until predicate
|        ; or:
|        when predicate return result
|        do body ...)
| There is no real difference...

Incorrect. These two are actually *semantically* different!!
To make them the same, you need to use AND instead of all but
the first FOR:

  (loop for var1 = init1 then expr1
	AND var2 = init2 then expr2
	when predicate return result
	do body ...)

Alternatively, you could have used your "all FORs" version
of the LOOP but replaced DO by DO*, then they would have also
been the same [but still different from the other DO/LOOP pair].

| Compare:
| (loop for var1 in list1
|        for var2 = init2 then expr2
|        for index from 0
|        do body ...)
| with:
| (do ((tail1 list1 (cdr tail1))
|       (var2 init2 expr2)
|       (index 0 (1+ index))
|      ((null tail1))
|    (let ((var1 (car tail1)))
|      body ...))

Again these are different: You need to either (1) use DO* for the
second or (2) in the LOOP replace all FOR except the first with AND.
Warning: (1) & (2) can give different results, depending upon the
form EXPR2!!

| Really, there is no reason not to switch to LOOP when you usually use DO.

I agree!! But when you do, at least get the semantics right...  ;-}  ;-}


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607