Subject: Re: FORMAT ~{~A ~} and carriage return
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:10:20 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
Mark Tarver  <> wrote:
| Here is (FORMAT "~{~A ~}" '(1 2 3)) in CLisp.
| (FORMAT "~{~A ~}" '(1 2 3))
| ==> "1 2 3 "

By the way, remember that you can use "~^" to get rid of that
final (usually superfluous) space:

    > (format nil "~{~A~^ ~}" '(1 2 3))

    "1 2 3"

| Here is  (FORMAT NIL "~{~A ~}" (LIST 1 2 *help*))  where
| *help* is a longish string.
| We get
| (FORMAT NIL "~{~A ~}" (LIST 1 2 *help*))
| ==> "1 2
| File            enables the loading and compilation of source programs
| Update          loads the latest updates from
| "
| It seem that a carriage return has been thrown in after 2.
| Is this part of the spec or is it a bug?

Looks like a bug. Works fine in CMUCL:

    > *help*

    "File            enables the loading and compilation of source programs in Qi and Lisp.
    TC?             toggles type checking.
    Spy?            toggles the Qi spy command.
    Terminal        exits to terminal mode - GUIs are not read.
    Track           tracks chosen function(s).
    Profile         tracks chosen function(s).
    Update          loads the latest updates from
    > (format nil "~{~A ~}" (list 1 2 *help*))

    "1 2 File            enables the loading and compilation of source programs in Qi and Lisp.
    TC?             toggles type checking.
    Spy?            toggles the Qi spy command.
    Terminal        exits to terminal mode - GUIs are not read.
    Track           tracks chosen function(s).
    Profile         tracks chosen function(s).
    Update          loads the latest updates from

Note the superluous final space (which is why I suggested using "~^").


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607