Subject: Re: SUMMA SUMMARUM LISP From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 1999/11/03 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Message-ID: <> * Janos Blazi | But the point is, that by now everybody who visits this newsgroup | regularly, should know it and they should be shouting with horror. this is exactly what I have been trying to make you realize about _your_ behavior, and it _should_ be sinking in by now, since I managed to offend you sufficiently to jump-start your otherwise dormant brain. what amazed me with you is that you are so dead set on proving that you are free of all forms of fault. only people who are actually evil have this need. the question before me is this: _when_ will you realize that you cannot _both_ proclaim that you are opposed to rudeness and ill behavior _and_ be one of the most despicably disgusting people on this newsgroup, going after people who have been "rude" to your stupidity. I have told you before, and I'll say it again: GET OVER IT! (that seems to apply to more things than just having experienced rudeness, however.) if someone is not "sufficiently" kind to you, it is stupid beyond belief to go after them, because you prove that you deserve whatever you got and more. you, however, are the kind of person who goes after people, not their actions: you can't even see the difference between calling an action stupid and the man stupid, a difference any intelligent man can see. normal people don't _identify_ with every one of their actions to the point where they lose their sense of dignity if one of the actions is criticized -- but you do, and then attack others for having shown this fact to you. you should fix that, because you're seriously broken in they way you react to criticism, and the criticism you hand out to others is _really_ stupid, missing the mark by miles, such as the extraordinary lame attempt to once again shift all blame for your lack of intelligence and good behavior over on someone who "made you do it". but, hey, for all I know, that could be your "cultura" and your "tradition" and you can't change it without seriously damaging your ability to join your people. let me know if this is the case, and I'll get off your back. at least as long as you keep off mine, which I have come to trust you won't unless I zap you with a cattle prod every time you climb back, but stranger things have happened. now, just behave well, Janos Blazi. it's you who want people to be nice to eachother -- so just start with yourself. like right now. #:Erik