Subject: Re: Why learn Lisp From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 26 Aug 2002 02:24:41 +0000 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp,comp.lang.scheme Message-ID: <> * cr88192 <> | if people don't care I have little reason to implement it... That kind of attitude is just so /stupid/ I could scream. Well, let me scream. THAT ATTITUDE IS SO GODDAMN STUPID! (Thank you.) What you do with your time should be /completely/ unaffected by what other people find valuable. You could not possibly attract anyone with some half- assed non-implementation of an idea, so just give that part of the task up right now. What you /can/ do, however, is prove to yourself first, and then to others, that you can accomplish something worth accomplishing. Some people prove this with degrees in educational institutions. Others start small companies in their garage with the proceeds of their past successes. If you are starting out in life and treat creating a language as a means to learn something, which I do not even consider a worthwhile task if you are into compiler design, you should not even /ask/ people to care. You have set out to learn something by explicitly rejecting everything that other people have done before you. Create your own language and be on your own. -- Erik Naggum, Oslo, Norway Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder. Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.