Subject: Re: Generating Indented HTML From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 02 Nov 2002 12:40:14 +0000 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Message-ID: <> * Pratibha | When generating HTML, do you bother to indent at all? No. I usually produce one long line, and I use &# a lot to avoid the moronic parser of the moronic syntax of the moronic language. Producing nice-looking HTML for people is like optimizing PostScript files for legibility -- an utter waste of time. | It seems that doing so would it make it more | readable/editable/debuggable. Do yourself a favor and read/edit/debug in a readable/editable/debuggable language. HTML is not suitable for human consumption. Heck, it is not even suitable for machine consumption. -- Erik Naggum, Oslo, Norway Act from reason, and failure makes you rethink and study harder. Act from faith, and failure makes you blame someone and push harder.