William D Clinger <cesura@qnci.net> wrote:
| Scott G. Miller wrote:
| > Here are the results for the Schemes in the pitfall test, except for
| > Larceny which I still don't have access to:
| Here are the results for all versions of Larceny:
| Expected Value
| 256 524289 2097156
| Larceny: Pass Pass Fail
Not wishing to start any language wars, but just because I'm doing
a lot of CL programming these days and seem to be comparing stuff I
used to do in Scheme to CL, I rewrote "bignumtest" in CL and ran it
in CLISP & CMUCL [that is, this is an *implementation* comparison,
not a language comparison]:
(defun bignumtest (A)
(labels ((bntrecursion (B C D)
(cond ((> D A) A)
((or (not (integerp B)) (> C B)) (- D 1))
(t (bntrecursion (* 2 B) B (1+ D))))))
(let* ((two^a (expt 2 A))
(two^a-1 (floor two^a 2)))
(if (and (integerp two^a)
(integerp two^a-1)
(< two^a-1 two^a)
(= two^a (+ two^a-1 two^a-1)))
(bntrecursion 2 0 1)))))
For those not familiar with CL, I had to make these substitutions
when tranliterating:
Internal define a.k.a. letrec => labels
(exact? x) => (integerp x)
(inexact? x) => (not (integerp x))
(quotient x y) => (floor x y) ;ignore 2nd return val
After compiling "bignumtest", I ran this loop in the REPL:
(loop for i from 10 to 30 do
(let ((n (expt 2 i)))
(format t "~a => ~a~%" n (bignumtest n)))
(force-output)) ; print as much as possible before crashing
Results from CLISP (in under 2 sec.):
1024 => 1024
2048 => 2048
4096 => 4096
8192 => 8192
16384 => 16384
32768 => 32768
65536 => 65536
131072 => 131072
262144 => 262144
524288 => 524288
1048576 => 1048576
*** - overflow during multiplication of large numbers
1. Break [14]>
Initial results from CMUCL ("instantly"):
1024 => 1024
2048 => 2048
4096 => 4096
8192 => 8192
Error in function KERNEL::INTEXP:
The absolute value of 16384 exceeds *INTEXP-MAXIMUM-EXPONENT*.
0: [CONTINUE] Continue with calculation.
1: [ABORT ] Return to Top-Level.
Debug (type H for help)
But then I discovered that giving the continue restart to the debugger
simply bumped the dynamic limit "*intexp-maximum-exponent*" [a CMUCL
non-standard implementation-specific variable] by a factor of two and
kept going, so I changed the test to the following, with somewhat more
useful results (~2 sec, total):
> (let ((*intexp-maximum-exponent* most-positive-fixnum))
(loop for i from 10 to 30 do
(let ((n (expt 2 i)))
(format t "~a => ~a~%" n (bignumtest n)))
1024 => 1024
2048 => 2048
4096 => 4096
8192 => 8192
16384 => 16384
32768 => 32768
65536 => 65536
131072 => 131072
262144 => 262144
524288 => 524288
1048576 => 1048576
2097152 => 2097152
4194304 => 4194304
8388608 => 8388608
16777216 => 16777216
33554432 => 33554432
67108864 => 67108864
134217728 => 134217728
268435456 => 268435456
Error in function KERNEL::INTEXP:
The absolute value of 536870912 exceeds *INTEXP-MAXIMUM-EXPONENT*.
When I tried to continue, I got:
536870912 is not of type FIXNUM
so I stopped there.
p.s. Almost forgot: 'twas a 1.4 GHz Athlon ("1600+").
Rob Warnock, PP-ASEL-IA <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607