Juho Snellman <jsnell@iki.fi> wrote:
| Other than that, the main reasons for using a 64-bit SBCL right now are:
| * You have an Athlon 64, your Linux distribution is pure 64-bit without
| a 32-bit compatibility environment, and you don't want to run a 32-bit
| chroot.
Say what? Which x86_64 Linux *doesn't* have a 32-bit compatibility
environment installed by default?!?
Anyway, FWIW, my workstation at work is an Athlon64 3600+ (?)
with a 1.8 GHz clock (I think, can't see the label at the moment
but "dmesg" says "3591.37 BogoMIPS" and "Detected 1802.357 MHz
TSC timer") running Linux 2.4.21-20.EL (some RedHat distro),
and it runs the pre-compiled 32-bit CMUCL-19a binary just fine:
> (time (dotimes (i 2000000000)))
; Compiling LAMBDA NIL:
; Compiling Top-Level Form:
; Evaluation took:
; 2.22f0 seconds of real time
; 2.22f0 seconds of user run time
; 0.0f0 seconds of system run time
; 4,011,445,780 CPU cycles
; 0 page faults and
; 0 bytes consed.
Compare this with the same CMUCL-19a on a 32-bit Athlon laptop
running FreeBSD [which says "mobile AMD Athlon(tm) XP2500+
(1855.20-MHz 686-class CPU)" and "Timecounter TSC frequency
1855201003 Hz"]:
> (time (dotimes (i 2000000000)))
; Compiling LAMBDA NIL:
; Compiling Top-Level Form:
; Evaluation took:
; 2.18f0 seconds of real time
; 2.160405f0 seconds of user run time
; 0.0f0 seconds of system run time
; 4,039,789,390 CPU cycles
; 0 page faults and
; 0 bytes consed.
Virtually identical, yes?
So, yes, while a 64-bit CMUCL would be interesting, I'm
really glad that the 32-bit CMUCL "just runs" on Athlon64!
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607