Rainer Joswig <joswig@lisp.de> wrote:
| Eric <ericbelcastro@gmail.com> wrote:
| > Because any number of ratios may be input, I am automatically creating
| > variables and assigning names to them. I am doing it like this...
| > Also - are there simple ways of automatically creating incremented
| > variable names? I tried intern on strings but that didn't work too
| > well, and settled on my current method.
| (defparameter *my-symbol-counter* 0)
| (defun make-symbol-plus-counter (&optional (name "FOO")
| (package *package*)
| (counter '*my-symbol-counter*))
| (prog1 (intern (concatenate 'string
| name
| (princ-to-string (symbol-value counter)))
| package)
| (incf (symbol-value counter))))
You showed him how to do it, but you forgot to tell him *NOT TO*!! ;-}
That's right, Eric, *don't* do this. Instead, define yourself *one*
global variable that hold either an adjustable array or a hash table
(or some kind of tree structure, whatever) that can be grown dynamically
and be quickly indexed by your "counter" numbers, e.g.:
> (defvar *lists* (make-array 20 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
> (defun add-new-list (list)
(vector-push-extend list *lists*
;; exponential growth [Fibonacci might be better]
(array-dimension *lists* 0)))
> (add-new-list '(a a b a))
> (add-new-list '(c d c d e e))
> (add-new-list '(f g h))
> (length *lists*)
> *lists*
#((A A B A) (C D C D E E) (F G H))
> (aref *lists* 1) ; fast access to any one
(C D C D E E)
> (map 'list #'length *lists*) ; can use sequence functions
(4 6 3)
> (apply #'lcm *)
That is, having inserted a number of lists of varying lengths,
it's rather simple to "mine" the data and find out, say, the
least common multiple of their lengths [which is sometimes
something you might want to know about a series of patterns].
Let's add 100 more lists, and see what happens:
> (loop for i below 200 by 2 do
(add-new-list (list i (1+ i)) ))
> (length *lists*) ; the "active" length (fill pointer)
> (array-dimension *lists* 0) ; the total length
> (let ((*print-length* 8))
(print *lists*)
#((A A B A) (C D C D E E) (F G H) (0 1) (2 3) (4 5) (6 7) (8 9) ...)
> (aref *lists* 97) ; fast access to any one
(188 189)
The array has only been resized three times (doubling each time),
so the number of resizings per insertion can be made as small as
you like.
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607