Raymond Wiker <raw@RawMBP.local> wrote:
| Emilio Lopes <eclig@gmx.net> writes:
| > Here is my take: a simple macro called `debug', which
| > prints a given *expression* followed by its value.
| > Here is the macro definition [in Scheme]:
| > (define-syntax debug
| > (syntax-rules () ...))
| > ((_ expr)
| > (let ((literal (quote expr))
| > (value expr))
| > (display "### ")
| > (display literal)
| > (display ": ")
| > (write value)
| > (newline)
| > value))
| > ((_ expr expr1 ...)
| > (begin
| > (debug expr)
| > (debug expr1 ...)))))
| Not a convincing example of the power of (Lisp) macros;
| even C++ can do this: ...
| #define DEBUG(a) (std::cerr << "### " << #a << ": " << (a) << std::endl, a)
*BZZZTT!!* Your C++ macro only takes *one* expression;
his takes an *arbitrary* number of expressions in a
single call of the macro!! Let's see you do *that* in C++!!
p.s. The one from my personal toolbox, in CL:
> (defmacro dbgv ((&optional (where "Some Unknown Location..."))
&rest forms)
(format t "~&DBGV: @~a:~%" ',where)
,@(loop for form in forms
collect `(format t "~s = ~s~%" ',form ,form))))
> (dbgv (the-repl) (+ 1 2) (expt 2 100) (strcat "foo" "bar"))
(+ 1 2) = 3
(EXPT 2 100) = 1267650600228229401496703205376
(STRCAT "foo" "bar") = "foobar"
I suspose I could make it return the last value like Emilio's does,
but I haven't found the need for that yet.
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607