Frank Buss <> wrote:
| Andr� Thieme <> wrote:
| > I don't see much use to implement Python constructs in Lisp.
| > If I want them I can use Python.
| why writing more code than necessary? If you need to read files all the
| time, then something like the open/read combination in Python would be
| useful:
| (defun read-file (name) ... )
Heh. I actually have *three* of those in my personal "utils.lisp": ;-}
file-string ; Suck up a whole file into a string.
file-lines ; ...into a list of strings (lines).
file-forms ; ...into a list of forms (s-exprs).
Rob Warnock <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607