Kenny Tilton <> wrote:
| Well, I do not really want :serial, I want ASDF to compile (if nec) and
| load things in the order shown, /and/ honor inter-file dependencies by
| treating dependents as changed when a dependency changes.
| Instead, it only loads where it sees a dependency. But given:
| a.lisp:
| (defclass house ()())
| b.lisp:
| (defmacro with-house (house)...
| c.lisp:
| (defmethod phone-home ((h house) &key from)...
| (with-house (h)....
| C cannot be compiled until A is loaded, but it does not necessarily
| need to be recompiled if A changes.
Perhaps what you want is ASDF's :IN-ORDER-TO specifier. Try this:
(:file "c" :in-order-to ((compile-op (load-op "a"))))
Rob Warnock <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607