<RobertMaas@YahooGroups.Com> wrote:
| I agree. (operator "Ten pages of text") is a pain, better to use
| <OPERATOR>Ten pages of text<\OPERATOR>.
Google in the c.l.l. archives for "TML", a format Tim Bradshaw uses that
was inspired by some postings by Erik Naggum. In TML, the above would be:
<operator|Ten pages of text>
and the HTML <font color="red">This is a <b>bold</b> one!</font> would
in TML be <font :color "red"|This is a <b|bold> one!>.
p.s. The following single hit gives a quick overview of TML:
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607