Thomas A. Russ <> wrote:
| Osei <> writes:
| > Is there any way to call the lambda function outside outer2 and still
| > get the binding it had inside or do I have to define INNER using FLET
| > inside OUTER2.
| That would be one method. But then you would be looking to get lexical
| scope instead of dynamic scope. Perhaps the following code will help
| make this distinction clear?
| (defun scope-test ()
| (let ((lex "inner-lexical")
| (dyn "inner-dynamic"))
| (declare (special dyn))
| (lambda () (format t "Lex = ~A Dyn = ~A" lex dyn))))
| (let ((lex "top-lexical")
| (dyn "top-dynamic"))
| (declare (special dyn))
| (funcall (scope-test)))
Sneaky! I was confused for a moment by the output
of that one until I actually read it correctly! ;-}
The OP might also find the following version amusing:
(defun scope-test ()
(let ((lex "inner-lexical")
(dyn "inner-dynamic"))
(declare (special dyn))
(flet ((do-print (n)
(format t "~d: Lex = ~A Dyn = ~A~%" n lex dyn)))
(do-print 1)
(let ((lex "top-lexical")
(dyn "top-dynamic"))
(declare (ignorable lex) ; muffle warning
(special dyn))
(funcall (scope-test) 2))
Rob Warnock <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607