jurgen_defurne <jurgen.defurne@pandora.be> wrote:
| In addition to this, do you if there is a CL available which can do
| asynchronous process control (ie. fork()/exec() and wait()/waitpid()),
| or could this also be implemented via CFFI ?
Both SBCL and its ancestor CMUCL should have most of the standard
Unix [Posix, Linux] system calls in the "UNIX" package, e.g., I know
that CMUCL has UNIX:UNIX-FORK and UNIX:UNIX-EXECVE and lots more.
[UNIX:UNIX-WAIT & UNIX:UNIX-WAITPID are in "code/unix-glibc2.lisp",
but disabled. Why?]
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
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