Kaz Kylheku <kkylheku@gmail.com> wrote:
| > I have seen many examples using #+nil for this
| That and #+IGNORE will break if someone adds IGNORE or NIL to
| What will not break is #+(or). This actually has the meaning of
| ignoring the following expression no matter what.
I actually prefer Erik Naggum's suggestion of #-(and) for that,
since the minus implies "turn it off" to me more than #+(or)
[which just feels "backwards"]. That also lets you change only
one character to turn it back on with #+(and), and again the
plus implies "on" to me [rather than using #-(or) for "on"].
But for some time now I've been using an even simpler pair,
namely, #+- to turn a form "off" [mnemonic: "from on to off"
or a "falling edge"] and #-+ to turn a form "on" [mnemonic:
"from off to on" or a "rising edge"], e.g.:
> (list 1 2 #+- 3 4 #-+ 5 6)
(1 2 4 5 6)
This will work provided no-one ever puts :+ or :- onto *features*,
which is highly unlikely. (IMHO.)
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607