Ivan Boldyrev <boldyrev+nospam@cgitftp.uiggm.nsc.ru> wrote:
| Rob Warnock wrote:
| > If you want to get rid of that sometimes-unfortunate message ;-} ;-}
| > (e.g., when you're piping the output somewhere else), try this
| > instead:
| >
| > % cmucl -noinit -eval '(setf *load-verbose* nil)' -load baz.x86f
| > Hello, world!
| > %
| or this:
| % cmucl -quiet -load baz.x86f
| -quiet seems to be undocumented, but works with CMU CL 18d.
I'm running CMUCL 18d, too, yet I get this:
% cmucl -quiet -load baz.x86f
; Loading #p"/u/rpw3/.cmucl-init".
Hello, world!
I'm guessing that you don't have an accessible init file in your
home directory (e.g., "init.lisp" or ".cmucl-init"), or you'd get
the message, too. I believe the suppression done by "-quiet" occurs
*after* any init file is loaded (though before any "-load" is processed),
which it why this doesn't cut it either:
% cmucl -quiet -init baz.x86f
; Loading #p"/u/rpw3/baz.x86f".
Hello, world!
But by combining our suggestions we get the following, which *is*
silent (even if one has an accessible init file):
% cmucl -noinit -quiet -load baz.x86f
Hello, world!
Rob Warnock, PP-ASEL-IA <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607