Tim Bradshaw <tfb@cley.com> wrote:
| * Nils Goesche wrote:
| > Why do you use a hash table?
| I don't want a secret special variable per global lexical, I guess.
| No real reason though. I wasn't worried about performance (it's in
| the `some small hacks of no real use' section!).
When I did my own version of "deflex" (not shown here: ugly, buggy),
like Tim I didn't want a "secret special variable per global lexical"
either, but instead of a hash table I used an adjustable array so that
each resulting symbol macro expands into:
(aref *global-lexical-vars* <some-literal-constant-fixnum>)
which should be performant enough, yes?
Rob Warnock, PP-ASEL-IA <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607