Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche@math.ntnu.no> wrote:
| <hex><bit>0</bit><bit>0</bit><bit>1</bit><bit>0</bit><bit>1</bit><bit>0</bit><bit>1</bit><bit>0</bit></hex>
| See also RFC 3252.
But note that RFC 3252 suggests (requires? -- I can't tell for sure)
that bitmasks be converted into "human-readable values", so the above
might be more properly represented as:
<hex value="2A"/>
Or maybe (lacking better names for the bits):
<hex bit7="0" bit6="0" bit5="1" bit4="0"
bit3="1" bit2="0" bit1="1" bit0="0"/>
or if one's DTD allows <hex> attributes to default to "0", then just:
<hex bit5="1" bit3="1" bit1="1"/>
But best, of course, would be if the bits' actual semantic meanings
were displayed, e.g, as in the <tos> and <flags> elements in the
example IP packet in Section 2.2:
<tos precedence="Routine" delay="Normal" throughput="Normal"
relibility="Normal" reserved="0"/>
<flags reserved="0" df="dont" mf="last"/>
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607