Pillsy <pillsbury@gmail.com> wrote:
| pm, Josip Gracin <gra...@tel.fer.hr> wrote:
| > Edi Weitz wrote:
| > > Cross the bridge when you come to it.
| >
| > I guess I could get used to that tactic. It's not like conflict could
| > go unnoticed. So, simply :using packages until something gives and then
| > resolve the conflict by not :using one of the conflicting packages.
| The package system is more finely grained than that. You can, for
| instance, use the :SHADOW option for DEFPACKAGE to ensure that
| specific symbols aren't imported from a package you're using. You can
| also use :IMPORT-FROM to bring in specific symbols from a package
| instead of using the whole thing, and so on.
Indeed. Here's a little snippet of boilerplate I find myself using
whenever I play around with CLX while in the CL-USER package: ;-}
(require :clx)
#+cmu (shadow 'define-keysym)
#+clisp (shadowing-import 'xlib:char-width)
(use-package :xlib)
| You should definitely read the relevant section of the CLHS:
| http://www.lisp.org/HyperSpec/Body/mac_defpackage.html
And note especially the difference between the :SHADOW & :SHADOWING-IMPORT
options, and compare with the SHADOW & SHADOWING-IMPORT functions:
Rob Warnock <rpw3@rpw3.org>
627 26th Avenue <URL:http://rpw3.org/>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607