Subject: Re: Misusing LOOP correctly?
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 18:50:11 -0600
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
<> wrote:
| The below might be considered a misuse of LOOP.  My
| question is whether the LOOP spec guarantees the behavior
| that I am seeing in CLISP [in interpreted code].
| (loop for EXIT = (return 'Quit-Abruptly)
|       for var from 3 upto 2
|       finally (return 'Normal-Quit) )     =>  QUIT-ABRUPTLY
| ;; Reversing the order of the `for' clauses:
| (loop for var from 3 upto 2
|       for EXIT = (return 'Quit-Abruptly)
|       finally (return 'Normal-Quit) )     =>  NORMAL-QUIT

In CMUCL, both of these give the same return values as you show for
CLISP, but also belch loud complaints about "Deleting unreachable code":

    cmu> (loop for EXIT = (return 'Quit-Abruptly)
	  for var from 3 upto 2
	  finally (return 'Normal-Quit))

    ; In: LOOP FOR

    ;   'NORMAL-QUIT
    ; Note: Deleting unreachable code.
    ;   (LOOP FOR EXIT = #...)
    ; --> BLOCK LET 
    ; ==>
    ;   (LET (#)
    ;     (DECLARE #)
    ;     (ANSI-LOOP::LOOP-BODY NIL # NIL # ...))
    ; Note: Variable VAR defined but never used.
    cmu> (loop for var from 3 upto 2
	  for EXIT = (return 'Quit-Abruptly)
	  finally (return 'Normal-Quit))
    ;   (LOOP FOR VAR FROM 3...)
    ; --> SETQ 1+ 
    ; ==>
    ;   VAR
    ; Note: Deleting unreachable code.
    ; --> BLOCK LET 
    ; ==>
    ;   (LET (#)
    ;     (ANSI-LOOP::LOOP-BODY NIL # NIL # ...))
    ; Note: Variable EXIT defined but never used.

If you look carefully at the FOR clauses you have written and
consider them in light of CLHS Order of Execution
<> you should
be able to see both why these loops produce the results that
they do and why CMUCL is complaining about unreachable code.


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607