Erann Gat <> wrote:
| 4. I find $foo to be more aesthetically pleasing than *foo*,
| notwithstanding my utter disdain for Perl.
Wel... uh..., I find myself often using $1, $2, $3... as *lexical*
variables[1] -- by analogy to /bin/sh, rather than Perl -- and
would be somewhat irked if I could no longer do that. So there. ;-}
[1] Mostly inside a readmacro that does lambda abbreviations:
#$(* (+ 3 $2) $1) ==> (lambda ($1 $2) (* (+ 3 $2) $1))
Almost never used in source code saved in files, but
*very* convenient when typing MAPCARs into the REPL.
[Note: The actual lambda list also defines "&REST $*"... ;-} ]
Rob Warnock, PP-ASEL-IA <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607