Subject: Re: Lisp Sucks! I bet F# could do this...
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 05:58:34 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
Frank Buss  <> wrote:
| Ken Tilton wrote:
| > Jeez, all I want to do is output data tab-delimited, can I use \t in a 
| > string? no. Does ~t emit a tab? No. Does anything? No. I have to:
| > (format clean "~&~{~a~^~c~}" (loop for f in fields
| >                                  nconc (list f #\tab)))

[Minor trivia: "COLLECT F COLLECT #\Tab" probably conses less
than "NCONC (LIST F #\Tab)".]

| Your editor sucks! If I didn't overlooked something in the CLHS,
| there is no limitation for the characters you can include in
| strings, e.g. newlines or tabs:
| CL-USER > (format t "~{~A~^
| ~}" '(lisp rules !))
| !
| CL-USER > (format t "~{~A~^ ~}" '(lisp rules !))
| LISP    RULES   !
| (note: for this usenet posting I have converted tabs to spaces and the
| space in the format string between ^ and ~ should be a tab)

I sometimes use recursive FORMATs for this sort of thing:

    > (format t
	      (format nil "~a~c~a" "~{~a~^" #\tab "~}")
	      '(lisp rules !))
    LISP    RULES   !

And, yes, I know it could have been done in the following way,
but IMHO that would be even uglier and less maintainable:

    > (format t
	      (format nil "~~{~~a~~^~c~~}" #\tab)
	      '(lisp rules !))
    LISP    RULES   !


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607