Subject: Re: It's A Big Language Survey
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 21:56:00 -0500
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>
kevinlivingston  <> wrote:
| While I don't use all of it all of the time I do seem to use quite a
| bit, and it's nice to have learned one language that has most of what
| I need most of the time.

Yes, indeed!

| I think a more interesting "survey question" would be what do you find
| yourself reimplementing over and over that's not already in there?

My standard utilities package:

(defpackage :org.rpw3.utils
  (:nicknames :utils)
  (:use :cl :ext)
   ;; Readmacros:
   #:set-sharp-bang-reader	; Enable #! as a comment (for shell scripts).
   #:set-sharp-dollar-reader	; Experimental LAMBDA abbreviation [c.f. FN].
   #:set-zero-x-reader		; C-style hex numbers, e.g. 0x1234. [BUGGY!]

   ;; Macros:
   #:deflex			; "Global lexical variables" (sort of).
   #:fn				; Alias for LAMBDA.
   #:dbgv			; Debug printing of forms & values.
   #:dbgvht			; Same, but outputs as HTML.
   #:with-output-to-file	; Save typing in the most common output case.

   ;; String-hacking functions:
   #:getenv			; Portable version.
   #:strcat			; Syntactic sugar [with a compiler macro, too].
   #:join-strings		; STRCAT with infix separators.
   #:join-strings/sql-quoted	; JOIN-STRINGS with SQL-quoting of some chars.
   #:stringify			; Coerce items in atom/list/tree to strings.
   #:file-string		; Suck up a whole file into a string.
   #:file-lines			;   ...into a list of strings (lines).
   #:file-forms			;   ...into a list of forms (s-exprs).
   #:stream-string		; Same as above, but for an open stream
   #:\0x			; A FORMAT printer for hex, e.g. "~2/0x/".

   ;; Time-formatters [see also CMUCL's EXT:FORMAT-UNIVERSAL-TIME]:

   ;; Misc. other
   #:iota			; (count &optional (start 0) (step 1))

   ;; CMUCL MP convenience functions for servers that leave a REPL running:
   #:ensure-idle-process-running ; Initial REPL -> idle proc; new proc -> REPL.
   #:restart-top-level		; If accidentally kill REPL proc.
   #:break-top-level		; Recover from certain tricky typos.

And some support for web hacking:

(defpackage :org.rpw3.cgi.uri
  (:nicknames :uri)
  (:use :cl :ext :htout :utils)
    ;; Functions

    ;; Structures
    ...[and friends]...

    ...[other misc.]...


Rob Warnock			<>
627 26th Avenue			<URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403		(650)572-2607