Jonathon McKitrick <> wrote:
| (defun test-web (&optional qname)
| (let ((aq "SELECT lastname,firstname FROM members")
| result stuff)
| (if qname
| (setf aq (concatenate 'string aq " WHERE lastname= '" qname "'")))
| (connect '("localhost" "rlg" "root" "none") :database-type :mysql)
| (setf result "<table><tr><th>Last</th><th>First</th></tr>")
| (do-query ((lastname firstname) aq)
| ; (let (lastname firstname)
| (setf stuff (format nil "<tr><td>~a</td><td>~a</td></tr>"
| lastname firstname))
| (setf result (concatenate 'string result stuff)))
| (disconnect)
| (setf result (concatenate 'string result "</table>"))
| (format t "Result: ~A~%" result)
| result))
| It's supposed to output 2 fields of a database as an html table. As it
| is here, it finds unreachable code in the format statement below the
| commented out statement. If I uncomment the let, and comment the
| do-query, the error goes away but there is obviously no query done.
| What have I screwed up here?
Instead of using ";" to "comment out" the LET, try using "#-(and)".
The semicolon doesn't comment out the entire LET form, it only
comments out the first *line* of the LET form. As a result, you've
messed up your parenthesis-matching.
Rob Warnock <>
627 26th Avenue <URL:>
San Mateo, CA 94403 (650)572-2607