ACL 4.2 & CLIM 2.0 on an SGI
1. Color on select-file
Does anyone know of a way to control the colors on the select-file window?
I am using an associated-window which has a black foreground and white
background. I would be satisfied if the select-file matched the
associated-window colors. Right now, my select-file pane comes up in
black foreground and cornflower-blue background (as my nearest guess). It
isn't a completely horrible combination but it certainly wouldn't be my
first choice.
I notice that Symbolics supports :foreground and :background keywords for
select-file. That would be ideal but I would settle for it picking up a
foreground and background color from the associated window. Is the only
control on this through .Xdefaults or the like? If so, this seems a little
less than ideal.
2. General layout problems
Is anyone else experiencing problems with the layout algorithms for CLIM
2.0? I have an application which has a control menu, main application area
and a pointer doc pane. I have an undocumented workaround whereby the
pointer-documentation can be forced to be just one line. All other attempts
at definition result in the area being divided roughly in half between the
work area and the pointer-documentation. If the window is opened without
specifying a size at either make-application-frame or at
define-application-frame time, the window will _initially_ open with the
pointer-documentation at one line. If the window is resized at any time: at
make-application-frame call, at define-application-frame time or by user
interaction, the single line aspect is lost. Although I have a workaround
for the pointer-documentation pane, I still have the problem for other panes
that we define. Are users experiencing these problems on Suns as well or is
this a SGI problem? If anyone is interested, I have a simple test file that
can be used for this problem.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Marilyn Bunzo NASA Ames Research Center
< at msb> Mailstop 269-6
Sterling Software Bldg. 269 Room 152
(415) 604-0426 Moffett Field, CA 94035