From: tom (Tom McClure)

Subject: Re: [pcspr3863] Allegro and Netscape via DDE

Date: 1996-9-3 20:19


You wrote:
  I want to communicate with Netscape and do some actions like opening
  url from lisp in netscape.

Unfortunately the current DDE interface does not support inter-app
conversations in anything but strings.  Netscape is one of the few
applications which exchanges non-strings via DDE.  We recognize that
it is a popular application, and our interface is slated for
improvement in a future release.  However, since we don't plan to do
any work on it for some time, we'd be willing to send you the DDE
source code (it's actually fairly simple) for you to play around with.
Let us know if this interests you.


Tom McClure - < at tomj> - Franz Inc., 1995 University Ave, Suite 275
(510) 548-3600, FAX 548-8253 - Berkeley, CA  94704-1072
ACL FAQs: or*faq

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