From: Wheeler Ruml

Subject: Re: excl:run-shell-command - error output

Date: 1997-10-3 13:07

I don't have much experience with the sort of problem you are
describing, but I thought of a couple things that might be helpful.

> I was able to get all of the output by calling (sleep 1) before checking > the stream, but in my application, waiting a second for this is often > more time than it takes to process a unit of work. I guess that some other > function that forces a unix context switch probably would do the trick.
CLtL2 says that SLEEP will take "any non-negative, non-complex number", ie, 0.001 might very well work for you. READ-CHAR-NO-HANG may be useful to you. Here's an example: (defun get-waiting-stream-string (output-stream &optional (eof-error-p nil) (eof-val nil)) "returns all waiting characters on the OUTPUT-STREAM and returns them as a string. If encounters EOF and EOF-ERROR-P is non-nil, returns EOF-VAL (defaults to NIL)." (let ((output-string (make-array 128 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))) (loop (let ((new-ch (read-char-no-hang output-stream nil t))) (case new-ch ;; nothing waiting ((nil) (return output-string)) ;; eof ((t) (if eof-error-p (return eof-val) (return output-string))) ;; anything else (t (vector-push-extend new-ch output-string (length output-string))))))))
> It would also be nice to be able to get the return code of the subprocess!
OS-WAIT should give you this information. Check the manual. Eg, #+ALLEGRO (defun wait-for-p-id (p-id) "waits for the process named by P-ID to die and returns its exit status" (loop (multiple-value-bind (status dead-p-id) (sys:os-wait nil p-id) (when (and (numberp dead-p-id) (= dead-p-id p-id)) (return status))))) Best of luck, Wheeler -- Wheeler Ruml, Eng Sci Lab Rm 420, <, at ruml> (617) 495-2081 (voice) (617) 496-1066 (fax)