From: tony (Tony Nakanishi)

Subject: Re: [spr16178] Help with CLOS Compute-Applicable-Methods

Date: 1997-5-7 19:28

Suresh Kalathur:

You wrote:

> How do I get the behavior as before in this case? > > In other words, given a function name, I would like to > get a list of the applicable methods for the given object > and the arguments? > > Is there a simpler way than examining all the methods > recursively in the class hierarchy of the given object.
Tracing individual methods will not interfere with the behaviour of compute-applicable-methods. (trace ((method methoda (classa)))) will trace the method you have included in the code you sent us. Tracing of individual methods is documented on page 3-4 of the ACL 4.3 User Guide. Unfortunately, tracing of a generic-function encapasulates it in code which is an inappropriate argument to compute-applicable-methods. Please direct further email related to this inquiry to < at bugs> with the identifier spr16178 in the subject line. Thank you Tony Nakanishi, Franz Inc. 1995 University Avenue, Suite 275 < at tonyn> (internet) Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (510) 548-3600; FAX: (510) 548-8253 ACL Unix FAQ: ACL Windows FAQ: