From: bamb (Stefan Bamberger)

Subject: pathname-device in ACL/W 3.0.2 problem

Date: 1997-6-11 5:21

I'm working with ACL/W3.0.2 and Win NT4.0 .

When I'm not mounting network devices but using them via UNC, I get an
error while calling (pathname-device <path>). To be precise, I don't get
an error, I get Nil.

I think that's not correct, it should be the name of the device. Of
course, if I use the name as an argument to :device in make-pathname it
works and I can use it as a normal path specification. Although the
path  no longer looks like UNC (see the example below).

> (setq foo (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "foo"))
> (pathname-device foo)
> (pathname-directory foo)
(:ABSOLUTE "" "Nt-server" "Quellen")
> (make-pathname :device "Nt-server" :directory "quellen")
> (ask-user-for-existing-pathname "foo" :host (namestring *))
NIL Thanks for any hints, - stefan ______________________________________________________________________________ Stefan K. Bamberger email: < at bambi> Lehrstuhl fuer K"unstliche Intelligenz fax : ++49 931 7056120 Allesgrundweg 12, 97218 Gerbrunn voice : ++49 931 7056118 Universit"at W"urzburg, Germany ______________________________________________________________________________