From: Bill Dubuque

Subject: Re: reading in large files

Date: 1997-6-18 18:54

"David Lamkins" <NGC.COM at lamkinsd> wrote:
| It has been a while since I've tripped on this, but I think that ACLNT
| chokes on a readline if the file does not contain carriage return
| characters.  This can happen if you try to read a text file created
| with the Unix (line feed) newline convention.   The fix is to run your
| file through a simple utility that ensures DOS (carriage return, line
| feed) newlines.

I memory serves correct, the problem is that if the file doesn't
use the DOS end-of-line convention, then no newlines will be
recognized by the ACL reader, so READ-LINE will read the entire
file as a single line, thus overflowing the 32K string limit!

In Editi 3.0 I extended the ACL reader to allow Unix-style
line endings. You should be able to enable this patch globally via

(setq acl::*read-unix-mode* t)

once you have "eval-acl" loaded into ACL.

-Bill Dubuque