Open-dialog+ is a tool designed to ease the programming of Common Graphics
- dynamic alteration of a dialog
- automatic layout
- specific support for the edition of special variables and CLOS object
- recursive widget specification syntax to support grouper widgets
(tab-control and group-box)
- and more
A free demo is available from my home page,
http://users.skynet.be/algo/algofree.htm . Open-Dialog+ is not free
software. Current release is 1.0, has been extensively tested and is for
ACL4W 3.0.2 Professional only. Comes with documentation and examples.
Open-Dialog+ should be soon available for the standard edition of ACL4W.
Francis Leboutte, Algorithme, Rue de la Charrette 141, 4130 Tilff, Belgium
<skynet.be at f.leboutte> <acm.org at leboutte>
http://users.skynet.be/algo t&fax: +32-(0)4-388.35.28
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