From: Stuart Watt

Subject: Re: log*, boole, dpb, and bit* functions in Franz lisps

Date: 1998-3-21 14:03

> From: Dave Tenny < at dtenny> > > What's the philosophy on when to use integers for bit-set operations, and
> to use bit vectors?
You're definitely on the right lines. And generally, implementors spend more time optimising bignum operations than they do bit vector operations. If handled equally, bit vectors ought to be faster, because they offer nonconsing operations which save time in GC. I worked on a system which used big sets, and we did very extensive benchmarking of the two. Rick Evertsz wrote a paper on this issue, "The Trouble With Benchmarks", in the proceedings of the 1st EUROPAL conference, 1990. Without exception, bignum operations were faster than bit array operations when dealing with large sets. And the difference increased rather than decreasing with size. Quite often, even single bit operations were nearly as fast using logtest as using sbit. The difference is exemplified by something like an AND. With integers, people generally zap through the words, doing the ANDing directly, and knowing that the result can be no bigger than the smallest integer. However, a naive implementor can get away with something on the general lines of (map 'bit-vector #'logand v1 v2) for bitand. Depending on what's assessed in the benchmarks (and in the Gabriel benchmarks bignums were assessed, but not bit vectors) you get *radical* differences in optimisation. There is a paper by Henry Baker on doing fast bit vector operations. It is called something like "Doing fast bit vector functions in Common Lisp", and was in SIGART or SIGPLAN or something like that, probably late 1980s or early 1990s. I'll dig out the full reference later, and pass it on. If implementors adopted these algorithms, bit vectors should be much faster than large integers. Our philosophy, in the end, was to use macros to wrap up the implementation and work out a way of choosing between the two with minimum fuss. However, we also talked to the implementors and worked out a way of doing destructive operations on bignums, and that was the complete winner in performance terms. When we'd wrapped it all up in macros, it was pretty elegant, too. Regards, Stuart _______ Knowledge Media Institute and Psychology Discipline, Open University, Walton Hall, UK. Email: <; at S.N.K.Watt> Tel: +44 1908 654513 ----------
> I need to manipulate very large bit vectors. I want the manipulations to
> efficient. Bit vectors seem like the obvious choice. However there are
> things about integers and the log* functions which I also find nice: > > 1) ldb and dpb seem like they might be more efficient for manipulating
> of bits. > > 2) The ability to perform logical operations on bit sets of different
> only works with the log*/boole functions. >