how do I find out the currently used foreground-color of a window or a pane?
The GF FOREGROUND-COLOR does not help because it (always?) returns NIL.
Please consider the following example:
(let* ((window (make-window :test
:device 'non-refreshing-window))
(pane (front-window window)))
(format pane "~%Color Test 1: ~a" (foreground-color pane)) ; 1
(setf (foreground-color pane) red) ; 2
(format pane "~%Color Test 2: ~a" (foreground-color pane))
(format pane "~%~%one") ; 3
(with-foreground-color (pane blue) ; 4
(format pane " two "))
(format pane "three") ; 5
The example opens a window and in step 1 writes "Color Test 1: NIL" in the
"current" color which is by default black.
In step 2 the color is successfully set to red and so the next line results
in printing "Color Test 2: NIL" in red but note that FOREGROUND-COLOR still
returns NIL, so I can not find out the currently used color with this
WITH-FOREGROUND-COLOR does not help either because
* step 3 prints "one" in red,
* step 4 prints " two " in blue, and
* step 5 prints "three" in black (!)
(By the way: the example shows the same results for a basic-pane.)
So if the pane has a different foreground-color than the
system-foreground-color how do can I restore that color?
Any comments would be appreciated.
"Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time."
Ciske Busch
Lehrstuhl fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz und Angewandte Informatik
Universitaet Wuerzburg, Germany
ICQ: #23765977