Please stop using this mailing list for random lisp questions. This is a
technical support list
for a particular Lisp product. The kind of discussion you are having
belongs on a newsgroup, such as comp.lang.lisp, not a private forum such as
this one.
I am sending this to the entire list as a reminder that, by responding to
such inappropriate questions, you are only encouraging people to abuse this
list. Apologies for the bandwidth, but not the message: Please CUT IT OUT.
At 07:28 AM 3/3/99 -0500, Darren Teemull wrote:
>Thanks for all the suggestions from the people who responded to my
>earlier questions. This is what I finally came up with (Sorry, but I
>don't think it matches anyone's suggestion, but that's simply because of
>my ineptness at Lisp) feel free to rip it apart and improve on it if you
>Solution to the flattening and combining of two lists, each containing
>any amount of nested lists and brackets (eg. 1=((a b) c) & 2=(d ((e) f))
>then (flatten 1 2) = (a b c d e f)) :
>(defun flatten (fl1 fl2)
> (cond ((null fl2) NIL)
> (t (cond ((null fl1) (flatten fl2 (cdr fl2)))
> ((listp (car fl1))
> (cons (car (flatten (car fl1) fl2))
> (if (null (cdr (car fl1)))
> (flatten (cdr fl1) fl2)
> (flatten (cons (cdr (car fl1)) (cdr
>fl1)) fl2))))
> (t (cons (car fl1) (flatten (cdr fl1)
>Thanks & Later,
>Software Engineering student, University of Toronto