From: Liliana Avila

Subject: Call For Participation

Date: 1999-4-20 14:10

 		Register Today!
	European Lisp User Group Meeting
	Amsterdam'99 - June 6-8, 1999

This three-day conference will provide a forum for 
researchers, developers and students to share 
their latest work in the implementation, principle
and use of Lisp.

Rooms have been reserved at the Crowne Plaza 
Hotel located in the center of Amsterdam, within
walking distance of the West India House.  You
must call and mention Franz Inc. to receive a
special discount rate.  Hotel room availability is your reservations now!  For more
information visit the ELUGM'99 website.

Conference Activities include...
	Heiko Kirschke - Persistent Objects
	John Mallery   - CL-HTTP

Panel Discussion Topics:
	Future of Lisp

Birds of a Feather Meetings:
	Franz Inc. Allegro CL BOF

...And More!

If you are interested in hosting a BOF or Panel
please email: < at elugm>

If you are interested in submitting a paper 
email: < at elugm99> time is running out!

Important Dates:
Call For Papers deadline: April 23,1999

Early-Bird registration 
discount deadline: May 7, 1999

Welcome Reception: June 6, 1999