At 14/11/00 12:15 +0100, David Kaasen wrote:
In your example you probably should do:
(defclass a () ())
;;;> #<standard-class a>
(defmethod add ((self a) &rest r)
(values self r))
;;;> #<standard-method add (a)>
(defclass b () ())
;;;> #<standard-class b>
(defmethod add ((self b) &rest r)
(values self r))
;;;> #<standard-method add (b)>
(add (make-instance 'a) 0 1 2)
;;;1.> #<a @ #x23cc2b4a>
;;;2.> (0 1 2)
Consider also the use of &optional , &key and &allow-other-keys. Look at my
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you can't avoid the reading of Sonya E. Keene book.
Francis Leboutte
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