From: Bill Clementson

Subject: Using ILISP with the ACL trial edition on Windows

Date: 2002-3-3 13:44

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to use ILISP with the Franz Allegro CL
trial edition on MS Windows? I can get it to work fine with the ELI package
in emacs, but I can't get the ILISP interface to work.  I can get LispWorks
and CLISP to work ok but not ACL. I have tried both alisp.exe and
allegro-ansi.exe as the images that are called by ILISP, but neither one
works properly. What happens is:

1. After setting up ILISP, I run allegro
2. The *allegro* buffer opens up with the following messages in the buffer:
Starting allegro ...
ILISP V5.11.1  Use M-x ilisp-bug for problems and suggestions.
3. ACL (either alisp or allegro-ansi) opens up in a separate GUI window (not
an emacs window). I can enter lisp forms ok in that window.
4. The *allegro* buffer remains at the state in step #2 and I don't get a
lisp prompt in that window as I do for LW and CLISP.
5. Eventually, I close down the ACL application window - nothing happens in
the *allegro* emacs window, so I just kill that window.

I thought that the problem might lie in configuring ACL to act as a console
app. In the ACL documentation (startup.htm), it says the following:
4.2.1 Starting Allegro CL on Windows as a Console App
You can start Allegro CL on Windows as a Console Application by using the
executable build.exe rather than mlisp.exe. build.exe is a WIN32 console
application, whereas mlisp.exe is a WIN32 Windows application. If you want
to run a command-line oriented version of ACL, use build.exe.

Note that there are issues with multiprocessing and build.exe. build.exe
sometimes cannot tell if input is available or if a process that is waiting
on input should wake up. For this reason, we recommend you do not use
build.exe with multiprocessing applications.

Note further that build.exe does not accept the arguments that begin with +.
Command-line argument are described in Section 5.0 Command line arguments.

However, build.exe doesn't come with the trial version of ACL. Does anyone
know whether it is possible to either use one of the images (mlisp, alisp,
allegro, alisp8, mlisp8) that comes with the trial version of acl with
emacs/ilisp or how to build a non-gui console image that can be used with

Thanks for any help or suggestions

Bill Clementson