allegro-cl archives 2002-5-2 | home index prev H thread prev K thread next J next L |
From: nura nura Subject: Date: 2002-5-2 12:52 hello i got problem with there other example beside in jlinker.html....and in acl6.0?one more thing i am using jlinker for my thesis on scheduling university...using java and lisp....below is jlinker configuration in file dont understand what the comment ask me to if u guys know something..tell me how to run the example of jlinker in acl6.0 ;; $Id:,v 2000/10/24 04:04:28 layer Exp $(in-package :user);; SAMPLE FILE with DUMMY values to be customized for each site(error "This file must be renamed and customized before it can be used")(setf jl-here (read-from-string (concatenate 'string ":" (string-downcase (short-site-name)))));; ??? marks places that MUST be customized;; the following variables have default values that may be changed ;; to suit special situations (such as heavy debugging) ;;(setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-verbose* t) ;;(setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-debug* t) ;;(setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-retry-number* 3) ;;(setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-retry-delay* 5);; In general, this is a good idea because it avoids user ;; shell profiles when we call Java (after setting up path ;; and CLASSPATH). (setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-unix-vector-p* t) ;; The value of the two variable below is significant ONLY if Lisp ;; will start Java with (jlinker-init :start-java ...) ;; Expected value of this symbol: ;; symbol -> The name of a function of at least five (5) optional arguments. ;; The default value shown below is a function included ;; with jLinker. This value can also be replaced with ;; the name of a suitable user-written function. ;; other -> Error (setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-run-java* 'javatools.jlinker::run-java) ;; Expected value of this symbol: ;; string -> Path namestring of Java home directory ;; jLinker will construct a suitable value for PATH ;; and for CLASSPATH ;; ;; nil -> jLinker makes no modifications to PATH or CLASSPATH ;; User must make sure that the file jlinker.jar is ;; visible to Java. (setf javatools.jlinker:*jlinker-java-home* (case jl-here (:ketch "c:\\mmWork\\java\\jdk1.2") (:lifeboat "d:\\java\\jdk1.2") (:hobart "c:\\jdk1.3") ;;(:lifeboat "e:\\java\\jdk1.1.5") (:five "/oh/java1.1") (:corba "/b/jdk1.1.6") (:spot "/usr/j2se") (:cobweb "/usr/java/jdk1.3") (:delta "") (otherwise "") ) ) ;; The code for javatools.jlinker::run-java is included below as a ;; sample that can be renamed and modified to satisfy the ;; requirements of a particular installation. #| (defun run-java (&optional debug lport lhost jport jhost &rest more) (let* ((op-val #+unix "java" #+mswindows (if debug "cmd /c start /wait /b java.exe" "javaw.exe") ) (class javatools.jlinker::*java-link-base-class*) (cmdl (append (list op-val class) (when lport (list "-lport" (format nil "~A" lport))) (when lhost (list "-lhost" lhost)) (when jport (list "-jport" (format nil "~A" jport))) (when jhost (list "-jhost" jhost)) (when debug (list "-debug")) (mapcar #'(lambda (m) (format nil "~A" m)) more) )) (command #+mswindows (format nil "~{~A ~}" cmdl) #+unix (if *jlinker-unix-vector-p* (make-array (1+ (length cmdl)) :initial-contents (cons (car cmdl) cmdl)) (format nil "~{~A ~}" cmdl)) ) (log #+mswindows (and debug (jlinker-slot :java-out) (concatenate 'string (jlinker-slot :java-out) ".log")) #+unix nil ) (elog (when log (concatenate 'string (jlinker-slot :java-out) "e.log"))) (show (if (and debug (null log)) :showna :hide)) ) (set-java-paths) (when log (jlinker-slot :java-out :wrap)) (jcollect-pid command :output log :if-output-exists :supersede :error-output elog :if-error-output-exists :supersede :show-window show :wait nil)))(defun jcollect-pid (&rest args) (multiple-value-bind (rc x pid) (apply #'run-shell-command args) (declare (ignore x)) (if pid (jlinker-slot :pid pid) rc)))(defun set-java-paths () (let* ((delim #+mswindows "\\" #+unix "/") (break #+mswindows ";" #+unix ":") (jhome *jlinker-java-home*) class oldcp path) (when (and jhome (file-directory-p jhome)) (when (equal jhome "") (setf jhome ".")) (setf (sys:getenv "JAVA_HOME") jhome) (setf class (sys:getenv "CLASSPATH")) (if (or (null class) (equal class "")) (setf class "") (setf class (concatenate 'string class break))) (or (and (setf oldcp (sys:getenv "CLASSPATH")) (search "jlinker.jar" oldcp)) (setf (sys:getenv "CLASSPATH") (apply #'concatenate 'string class "." delim break "jlinker.jar" break jhome delim "lib" (when oldcp (list break oldcp)) ))) (or (and (setf path (sys:getenv "PATH")) (search jhome path)) (setf (sys:getenv "PATH") (concatenate 'string jhome delim "bin" break path)))))) |# --------------------------------- Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Health - your guide to health and wellness |