> Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 20:37:53 +0900 (JST)
> From: Ryuichi Nakaike <cog.human.nagoya-u.ac.jp at nakaike>
> (1)When inputing kanji-char by keyboard, garbage characters are displayed.
> (But, "set-text" or "value" are no problem.)
Thanks for your question. This problem is being corrected in the
forthcoming Allegro CL 6.2 release. Please try the following as a
patch for the 6.1 release. Take the following contents and put it
into a file, e.g., charpatch.cl; then compile that file; then load it
into Lisp. Example:
> (compile-file "charpatch.cl")
> (load "charpatch.fasl")
charpatch.cl contents:
(in-package :text-edit)
(defmethod simple-insert-character :after ((pane text-edit-pane) char)
(declare (ignore char))
(invalidate-window pane))
> (2) When editing kanji-string on multi-editable-text,
> - pressing Backspace-key --> a backward kanji-char is broken.
> - pressing Backspace-key once more --> delete a backward kanji-char.
This problem seems to be with the Rich Edit control being used.
Allegro CL comes with a generic Rich Edit control. You can cause Lisp
to use your platform's specific Rich Edit control instead by doing the
Start Allegro CL (ANSI) [without the IDE].
At the prompt, type the following, which renames Allegro Rich Edit control:
CL-USER: (rename-file #p"sys:cg;aclre32.dll" #p"sys:cg;aclre32.dll-bak")
Exit Allegro CL
Then, try restarting Allegro CL with the IDE and see if the problems
(e.g., double backspace) still occurs.
Charles A. Cox, Franz Inc. 1995 University Avenue, Suite 275
Internet: <franz.com at cox> Berkeley, CA 94704-1072
WWW: http://www.franz.com/ Phone: (510) 548-3600; FAX: (510) 548-8253