From: Jack Tanner

Subject: Re: regexp confusion

Date: 2003-12-8 2:05

Jack Tanner wrote:
> Thank you all for the responses. Off to play with cl-ppcre I go.
And it works beautifully. Here's a quick-and-dirty howto for anyone who'd like to do the same (on RedHat 9 with ACL 6.2 with all patches applied)... A. as root: 1. wget 2. tar xzf cl-ppcre.tgz 3. mkdir /usr/local/cl-ppcre 4. mv cl-ppcre-0.7.1 /usr/local/cl-ppcre 5. alisp -L /usr/local/cl-ppcre/cl-ppcre-0.7.1/load.lisp -kill B. as user, in alisp: 1. (cl-ppcre-test:test) "It should exactly report three 'errors' (662, 790, and 1439)" (README) which are explained at 2. (cl-ppcre:scan "(a)*b" "xaaabd") and off you go. Thank you, Edi! -JT