Dear all,
I am a newbie in the Allegro CL programming. I can't
figure out how to solve this pogram error I got.
I create a class that is a subclass of the dialog
class, and set the class property of a form to that
class. I put some widgets in that form such as single
item list and static text. My definition of the class
is like this:
(defclass my-class (dialog)
:accessor open-the-window
:initform nil))
I use the accessor slot to open another (pop-up)
My problem is, I will get this error message:
Error: Class #<STANDARD-CLASS MY-CLASS> is not yet
[condition type: PROGRAM-ERROR]
first time I open my project and do something at the
form (even only maximizing that form from its
minimized state). However, I am not getting this error
message whenever I run the project first and then do
something at the form.
Could anybody please help me to solve this problem,
what is I have done wrong?
Opim S Sitompul
PhD Student
National University of Malaysia
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