Subject: Re: CLIM and GUI builders
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 1998/09/19
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* (David Steuber "The Interloper")
| HTTP is a protocol, not a GUI.
| HTML is not a GUI either.

  you miss the point.  today's GUI's are generally built out of hard-coded
  event handlers.  a language that could describe the display and the
  events and associate them with protocol elements such that it would all
  be data-driven (instead of code-driven) and which required a protocol
  between the server and the client such that the server only dealt with
  function calls returning values to the client and the client did all the
  event handling and dispatching and display, would cause a giant leap
  forward in GUI design and simplify the tasks involved _tremendously_.
  but thanks to Microsoft, we now mostly have code-driven GUIs that are as
  portable as the average Egyptian pyramid and which ensure as much "full
  employment" as the same pyramids, and we now mostly have people who don't
  even understand the differences and the layering of language, protocol,
  and display engine.  this saddens me greatly, because such crap as HTML
  and HTTP appear to be solutions.

  ATTENTION, all abducting aliens!  you DON'T need to RETURN them!