Subject: Re: Deep copy in lisp: how? From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 2000/04/09 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Message-ID: <> * Courageous <> | I have a CLOS object which may contain an arbitrary graph of other | objects. This graph may be cyclic. I'm looking for an easy way to deep | copy the object. the only easy way out is to write a copier that knows what it's doing. any easier way out would violate "as simple as possible, but no simpler". | I've been told that generic deep copy might be implementing by writing | the object to a stream, and then reading back from that stream. you've been told that? what a joker that must have been! how do you think you would proceed to implement readers and writers for the objects? do you think _they_ come in generic versions that do everything right? (for the languages where you may use a generic version that does it wrong most of the time, which you usuallyq observe if you try, there _is_ the merit to this language design that most "modern programmers" (= dummies) are a lot happier when they something out and see it fail, then do it "right" (= less _obviously_ wrong), than to know it would fail and know they had to do it right from the start.) implementing a mechanism that avoids descending into cyclic structures is amazingly easy. detection is easy with the rabbit and the hare algorithm. a hash table of copied objects avoids all possible problems to begin with. #:Erik