Subject: Re: Controlling the expansion of a macro From: Erik Naggum <> Date: 2000/07/04 Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp Message-ID: <> * | I would like to define macros whose expansion can be controlled by a | enclosing form. : | The only solution I have come up with is to use macrolet, e.g. | make a new macro | (defmacro plusminus-int (a b pm) | (if pm | `(+ ,a ,b) | `(- ,a ,b))) | then macrolet plusminus in the wrapping macro, | (defmacro adding-all (&body body) | `(macrolet ((plusminus (a b) `(plusminus-int ,a ,b t))) | ,@body)) | now the form | (adding-all (foo (* (bar (plusminus x y)) (plusminus z w)))) | will expand correctly. Why the complicating plusminus-int? You may define the macro body directly: (defmacro adding-all (&body body) `(macrolet ((plusminus (a b) `(+ ,a ,b))) ,@body)) | While this approach works, it would be clumsy for the application I | have in mind, because the controlling variable has to be passed | along in the lambda list. Is there a "special variable" type of | approach that I can use, or is this just dreaming? Well, I don't see why you need it in this case. | Side question: In ACL, the scope of a macroletted name encompasses the | macro definitions themselves, rather like a labels instead of a flet. | Is this standard? (CLHS doesn't seem to say, but I may not be reading | it correctly.) It is my understanding that this is mandated by the standard. | Since recursive macros are disallowed ... Are they? | Side question: Symbolics had a compiler-let which maybe would solve | this problem? Is there an equivalent in ANSI CL? Not in ANSI CL, but in Allegro CL, you have excl::compiler-let. It can be indispensable in certain situations. #:Erik -- If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.