Subject: Re: any inspiring literature?
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 2000/10/06
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Mario Frasca
| I came to Lisp from C++, and I miss a lot those most inspiring books
| like the ones written by Stroustroup, Ellis and Coplien.

  Hm.  I have read all of those, and didn't find them inspiring.  I
  associate C++ with the kind of S&M that comes after the safeword.

| All I found was a massive and boring language reference and some
| extremely enervating users manuals coming from Allegro (in Italian
| it means 'happy', I'm not)

  I have read the entire manual and keep tracking changes to it.
  While sometimes repetitive instead of linking to a common
  discussion, it has the dry, crisp nature of scientific material
  where you're supposed to let your own intelligence produce the
  marvels.  Some people can't handle this at all.

| I have here on my desk that ANSI Common Lisp from Paul Graham, which
| is not a bad book, but inspiring, no, definitely not.

  I agree, and I didn't like the plot, either.  Also, the character
  development was totally lacking.

  But seriously, I still find Guy Steele's Common Lisp the Language,
  2nd edition, to be a very inspiring book.  The humor is just great,
  especially if you sit down with the index and look up such entries
  as Michelangelo.  On the other hand, some people I have shown this to
  and explained it to their blank stare, still wouldn't even enjoy it.

  If this is not what you expected, please alter your expectations.