Subject: Re: Lisp with XML concrete syntax
From: Erik Naggum <>
Date: 2000/11/23
Newsgroups: comp.lang.lisp
Message-ID: <>

* Eric Marsden <>
| here is an example of the scripting language with the buzz-enabled
| syntax: 
| ,----
| | <define name="factorial" args="x">
| |   <define name="iterator" args="product counter max">
| |     <if>
| |       <gt><counter/><max/></gt>
| |       <product/>
| |       <iterator>
| |         <multiply><counter/><product/></multiply>
| |         <add><counter/>1</add>
| |         <max/>
| |       </iterator>
| |     </if>
| |   </define>
| | 
| |   <iterator>1 1 <x/></iterator>
| | </define>
| `----

  Wow!  This is almost like watching sports on TV.  You just know that
  those guys out there are generally in a lot of pain, seem to overcome
  it, at least while everyone's watching them and while the money from
  sponsors keep coming in, and are delightfully soon to be replaced by
  somebody else in a little _more_ pain.  Bring out the beer, this can
  get _fun_!

  XML -- till death do us parse.

  Solution to U.S. Presidential Election Crisis 2000:
    Let Texas secede from the Union and elect George W. Bush their
    very first President.  All parties, states would rejoice.