Barry Margolin <> wrote:
| Shriram Krishnamurthi <> wrote:
| >This gets stranger by the minute. Pray tell why
| > (+ 'catbox) ==> 'catbox
| >is "fine".
| It doesn't violate the specification (which does not mandate type
| checking), and it could be considered better than
| (+ 'catbox) ==> Core dump or General Protection Violation
But that's not what SIOD would have done with it. If the code hadn't
excessively optimized the one-arg case, you'd have gotten the same
perfectly-acceptable [if a bit terse] error you get with any other
domain error in SIOD:
> (+ 1 'two)
ERROR: wta(2nd) to plus (errobj two)
[where "wta" == "wrong type of argument"]:
The offending source code is here [note that since "plus" is defined
with init_subr_2n("+",plus), "eval" will fold args for it -- an implicit
"reduce" in CL terms].
LISP plus(LISP x,LISP y)
{if NULLP(y)
return(NULLP(x) ? flocons(0) : x);
if NFLONUMP(x) err("wta(1st) to plus",x);
if NFLONUMP(y) err("wta(2nd) to plus",y);
return(flocons(FLONM(x) + FLONM(y)));}
Oooh! Do you see what I see? It's even worse! Looky what happens
in *these* cases! ;-} ;-}
> (+) ; this one's o.k.
> (+ '()) ; ??? Doesn't even return ()!!
> (+ '() '()) ; ??!?!?!
> (+ '() '() '() '() '() '() '() )
p.s. Here's a fix (untested) which shouldn't run much slower,
if anyone cares:
LISP plus(LISP x,LISP y)
{if NULLP(y)
{if NULLP(x)
return flocons(0);
{if NFLONUMP(x) err("wta(1st) to plus",x); /*BUGFIX*/
return x;}}
if NFLONUMP(x) err("wta(1st) to plus",x);
if NFLONUMP(y) err("wta(2nd) to plus",y);
return(flocons(FLONM(x) + FLONM(y)));}
Rob Warnock, 8L-855
Applied Networking
Silicon Graphics, Inc. Phone: 650-933-1673
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd. FAX: 650-964-0811
Mountain View, CA 94043 PP-ASEL-IA