Subject: Re: one error, + a call for opinions
From: (Rob Warnock)
Date: 1999/03/18
Newsgroups: comp.lang.scheme
Message-ID: <7cpt5v$>
Norman DeValliere <> wrote:
| My question regards this error for this code in MrEd-
| > (define (even-fibs n)
|     (define (next k)
|       (if (> k n)
|    nil
|    (let ((f (fib k)))
|      (if (even? f)
|   (cons f (next (+ k 1)))
|   (next (+ k 1)))))))
| define-values: illegal use (not at top-level) in: (#%define-values (next)
| (#%lambda (k) (if (> k n) nil (let ((f (fib k))) (if (even? f) (cons f (next
| (+ k 1))) (next (+ k 1)))))))
| >

I agree that the error message is less than helpful, but your code really
is incorrect [perhaps you have a typo?].  Here's a properly-indented[*]
version of what you wrote:

	(define (even-fibs n)
	  (define (next k)
	    (if (> k n) 
	      (let ((f (fib k)))
		(if (even? f) 
		  (cons f (next (+ k 1))) 
		  (next (+ k 1)))))))

Do you see anything missing?

Hint #1: Where is "next" first called?

Hint #2: Look at the error message MzScheme gives to this example. Why?
         [Or equivalently, how is it like your code?]

	> (define (foo x)
	    (define (bar y)
	      (+ x y)))
	define-values: illegal use (not at top-level) in:
	  (#%define-values (bar) (#%lambda (y) ...

Hint #3: This example doesn't fail. How does it differ from the previous two?

	> (define (fact n)
	    (define (aux i p)
	      (if (<= i 2)
		(aux (- i 1) (* i p))))
	    (aux n 1))
	> (fact 12)


[*] Well, my preferred format, at least.

Rob Warnock, 8L-855
Applied Networking
Silicon Graphics, Inc.		Phone: 650-933-1673
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.		FAX: 650-964-0811
Mountain View, CA  94043	PP-ASEL-IA