Antonio Leitao <> wrote:
| I don't know the Scheme limits but, in CommonLisp, there's a limit on
| the number of arguments that a function must accept. From CLTL2, the
| minimum acceptable is 50 (I don't have here the ANSI spec).
| OTOH, we can use fold (from SRFI1) to achieve the same effect:
| (define (mysum nums) (fold + 0 nums))
On the third hand[*], Common Lisp has "reduce", which does the same thing
as "fold" -- except "reduce" has more optional knobs you can turn for the
edge cases. In the case above, though, it's even simpler than "fold":
(reduce #'+ nums)
or, if you insist on providing an initial result value (even though one
isn't needed in this case):
(reduce #'+ nums :initial-value 0)
[*] Tip o' the hat to Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle
Rob Warnock, 8L-846
Applied Networking
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